Power Morphicon, Ohio and Florida
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Back to Bridgewood" is a heartwarming comedic tale reminiscent of "Bruce Almighty" meets "Abbott Elementary" on the silver screen. Liz Johnson, a privileged sitcom star, faces a drastic turn in her life after a debilitating accident lands her in a coma for three months. Upon awakening, she confronts the harsh reality of losing everything: her job, Hollywood status, and financial security. With no recourse, Liz reluctantly seeks refuge with her long-forgotten childhood friend, Anne, in their hometown of Bridgewood. As she adjusts to a simpler life, Liz grapples with newfound challenges, including humility, independence, and the true meaning of friendship. Returning to her roots, Liz embarks on a journey of self-discovery, finding unexpected allies like B.J., a PE teacher, and her enigmatic student, Paul, whose profound insights help her confront past traumas and embrace life's unpredictability. Through humor and resilience, Liz navigates the ups and downs of rebuilding her life, one courageous step at a time.